Active in Doing Good

This week we talked about the fact that many people do not treat others with love or move in love but rather in selfishness, only doing something when it benefits them.

We covered many examples of how to act in love according to the Word, but today I want to focus on the statement, “Love is kind…active in doing good…” Active means ongoing; not passive or stagnate. Ephesians 4:32 says,

“Instead, be kind and merciful, and forgive others, just as God forgave you because of Christ.”

Love that moves in kindness is love that is always forgiving, like Christ is always forgiving of us! Thank God He always moves in forgiveness toward us no matter what sin we’ve done or shortcomings we have, even that which we continue to do over and over again.  We have to show this same love and kindness toward the world because if we don’t, nobody in the world will.  It’s up to each and every one one of us to show love through kindness so we can make the world a better place!

Harvest Church